Time to clear out that mountain of TBR books, and join in the fun hosted by Wishful Endings. She has challenges and giveaways planned throughout the read-a-thon, and it should be a fun time for everyone who participates.
My Goals
I don't know what specific titles I'll be reading, as it will depend on what I finish between now and then. I do hope to finish at least 6 books from my stack during that time, however. I will be reading a variety of genres, from mystery to sci-fi to romance to fantasy. I will be posting daily updates during the read-a-thon to let everyone know how I'm doing. Updates will be rather short and sweet, and look something like this:
(Day of the week)
What I read today:
Today's finished books:
Total number of finished books:
Titles of finished books:
(Day of the week)
What I read today:
Today's finished books:
Total number of finished books:
Titles of finished books:
There will also be Twitter posts, using #TackleTBR (Note to self--tag @TresSherm in all Twitter updates).
To join in the reading fun, simply click the link above and sign up.