Synopsis: Three women loved him. Two betrayed him. One fulfilled his destiny.Desired tells the story of the legendary strongman through the eyes of the three most important women in his life. The fiercely loving Jewish mother who nags him toward greatness … and rebellion. The impoverished Philistine girl, Amara, who becomes Samson’s bride. And the emotionally damaged seductress—the legendary Delilah—who becomes the instrument of his destruction and the key to his tragic triumph. Poetic, meticulously researched, and jaw-droppingly honest, Desired ultimately celebrates the God of Israel’s ability to work mightily despite our human weakness.
Thoughts: One of the best tellings of the story of Samson I have ever read. Rather than telling it from the POV of Samson, this book gives us the story through the eyes of his mother, his wife, and Delilah. I have always felt a great deal of sympathy for his wife (called Amara in this story), and hearing her tell the story of their wedding feast, the riddle,and how her family was impacted in the aftermath was heartbreaking. I've never had a lot of sympathy for his mother or Delilah from reading the Biblical account, but the way they are presented here makes them slightly more likable.
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