Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Under The Sea Holy Bible NIrV by Zonderkidz #UnderTheSea #FlyBy

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Book Information
  • Age Range: 6 - 10 years
  • Grade Level: 1 - 5
  • Hardcover: 1152 pages
  • Publisher: Zonderkidz (March 1, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0310754046
  • ISBN-13: 978-0310754046

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Synopsis: The Under the Sea Holy Bible, NIrV is a perfect gift for children ages 6 to 10. Themes of underwater fun and sparkling fish grace the interior of this wonderful children’s Bible. The outside is covered in foil and sparkle. The interior has color inserts featuring whimsical underwater scenes with themes of God’s care and love for each of us and all of creation.

Learn More:

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Review: The first thing that catches your eye with this Bible is the cover. It reminds me of Finding Nemo, and the glittery additions to the undersea creatures makes me think of Rainbow Fish. Since both of these are popular with children in the target age group, I think the cover will be a huge hit.  The fact that it is a hardcover, and more durable, is also a plus with young readers, who are not always the most dutiful caretakers of books.

The color inserts also contain undersea-related artwork to draw the young readers attention, and then they each share some quality information about God. I especially liked the page which presents the Ten Commandments in language which children can easily understand (although I think that the 9th one, which is written as "You may not tell lies, especially when that lie will hurt someone else," could have stopped at "You may not tell lies.")

If you, like me, are unfamiliar with the NIrV (New International Reader's Version), it is based on the New International Version (NIV), which is currently the most used version of the Bible. The NIrV is for beginning readers, so it has shorter sentences and uses shorter words which are easier to understand.  That makes it an excellent Bible for a young child who is anxious to read on their own.

I intend to give this Bible to my 6 yr. old grandson to replace his Preschooler Bible (which he can soon pass on to his younger sister).

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.**

Rating: Five stars

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Monday, March 28, 2016


Sharing the Love of Books
Enjoy our selection of New Releases / Free & Bargain Books this week

Authors please feel free to add your own books
Readers please free to add your own finds
(any genre except erotica welcome)

This weekly link up is hosted by Beck Valley Books & these awesome book loving blogs...
 Life as Leels | IrishdaisylovesRomance | Book Babble | All Romance Reader
It's My Side of Life | Celticlady's Reviews | First Time Mommy Adventures | Bound 2 Escape
Beck Valley BooksA Library of Reviews | Cinnamon Hollow Reviews
Miki's Hope | Taking Time for Mommy | Nicki's Nook
Ebook Addicts | I Love Romance | A Bit Bookish | Mother Distracted | Colorimetry
Totally Addicted to Reading | 3 Partners in Shopping | Angie's Angle I Creat Purty Thangs | Wishful Endings
Lynchburg Mama | LibriAmoriMieiAli - The Dragon Slayer | Wondermom WannabeMy Bizzy World |  Deal Sharing Aunt 

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For New Releases post - NEW / genre / title / author
For Free Books post - FREE / genre / title / author / end date 
For Bargain Books post - SALE / price / genre / title / author / end date
(Strictly no Erotica please.  Steamy romance is fine but watch those covers people, incase any underage child is viewing it!)

Here is this weeks awesome selection!

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

BOOK TOUR AND GIVEAWAY: The Semester Of Our Discontent (Lila Maclean Mystery #1) by Cynthia Kuhn

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Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Publisher: Henery Press (April 5, 2016)
Paperback: 256 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1635110098
E-Book ASIN: B01A7BH83S

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English professor Lila Maclean is thrilled about her new job at prestigious Stonedale University until she finds one of her colleagues dead. She soon learns that everyone, from the chancellor to the detective working the case, believes Lila—or someone she is protecting—may be responsible for the horrific event, so she assigns herself the task of identifying the killer.

More attacks on professors follow, the only connection a curious symbol at each of the crime scenes. Putting her scholarly skills to the test, Lila gathers evidence, but her search is complicated by an unexpected nemesis, a suspicious investigator, and an ominous secret society. Rather than earning an “A” for effort, she receives a threat featuring the mysterious emblem and must act quickly to avoid failing her assignment…and becoming the next victim.

Review: I love this series! It's set in an English department of a fictional university, and English (and literature) was always a favorite subject of mine. There are a lot of literary references throughout the story, too, which were fun to read.

Lila is a great main character. As the low man on the totem pole in the department, she has to walk a very narrow line between playing politics to save her chances for tenure and standing up for what she believes is best for the department.

The story is well-written, and the mystery keeps you guessing from beginning to end.  There are plenty of suspects to choose from, and I kept jumping from one to another as the story progressed. I'm already anxious for the next book in the series to be released.

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.**

Rating: Four stars

About the author
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Cynthia Kuhn teaches and writes in Colorado. Her work has appeared in McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Literary Mama, Copper Nickel, Prick of the Spindle, Mama PhD and other publications. She is the current president of Sisters in Crime-Colorado and blogs withMysteristas. Visit her at or @cynthiakuhn.
Author Links
Twitter: @cynthiakuhn
 Purchase Links
Barnes & Noble:

Saturday, March 26, 2016

THE SOLDIER'S BRIDE by Rachelle J. Christensen

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Genre: Women's Fiction
  • File Size: 3250 KB
  • Print Length: 284 pages
  • Publisher: Kindle Press (March 15, 2016)
  • Publication Date: March 15, 2016
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English

Synopsis: As WWII ration cards and battle scars become commonplace across America, it seems to Evelyn that even love is rationed out. When she finds a message from her late husband tucked inside a music box, Jim’s words have the power to change her life: Don't die with me.
Words written out of love, long-lost but never forgotten.
Grief stricken, Evelyn is unsure of how to honor his request, but she finds the courage to keep on living. Jim’s note urges her to give the music box away to unlock the secret within, and although it breaks her heart again, Evelyn trades the music box for a cradle to hold her infant son. Thus begins the decades-long journey of the music box, mending broken hearts, reuniting lost loves, and giving people the courage to heal themselves along the way. This romance crosses battlefields and time as the music box touches the lives of two soldiers, a broken father, a crippled child, a struggling farmer, and a woman once called the soldier's bride.
Review: I received this book through the Kindle Scout program, in exchange for an honest review.  

This was a bittersweet story about love, loss, and new beginnings. All of the characters are well-developed and have very realistic stories to tell. Each person/family touched by the music box leaves a piece of themselves in it, to be shared by the next owner. The melody of the music box also plays into each life it touches along the way. 

There was one very graphic scene which was difficult for me to read, but it was handled delicately and appropriately.

I am very impressed with the range of talent of this author, whom I had previously known only through her Wedding Planner Mystery series.

Rating: Four stars
About the author
 Rachelle, old truckRachelle J. Christensen was born and raised in a small farming town in Idaho. She graduated cum laude from Utah State University with a degree in psychology.She enjoys singing and songwriting, playing the piano, running, motivational speaking, and of course reading. Rachelle has an amazing husband, five cute kids, three cats, and dozens of chickens.Visit to learn more about upcoming books.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

BLOG TOUR: The Emerging Sensitive: A Guide For Finding Your Place In The World by Maria Hill

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Book Information
Title: The Emerging Sensitive: A Guide For Finding Your Place In The World

Author: Maria Hill

Publisher: BookBaby
Pages: 150
Genre: Self-Improvement

  • ISBN-10: 1682224740
  • ISBN-13: 978-1682224748

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Synopsis: Having only been given a name for their unique nature a few decades ago, highly sensitive people, or HSPs, are finally able to identify their traits and connect with one another in new and beneficial ways. In her book, The Emerging Sensitive: A Guide For Finding Your Place In The World, Maria Hill illuminates the path to self exploration and discovery for HSPs. Drawing on work of HSP expert Dr. Elaine Aron’s “DOES” model, Hill paints a vivid picture of the world as seen through the eyes of a highly sensitive person. She traces the roots of HSPs back to the earliest civilizations by following the evolutional framework of Spiral Dynamics as laid out by Don Beck and Chris Cowan. In doing so, she reveals the shifting roles of highly sensitive people in societies throughout the ages and exploring what the future holds as the culture shifts to a more HSP-friendly stage. Along the journey, Hill provides key insights and tools like the Whole Self framework of Bill Plotkin for highly sensitive people to take control of their lives and embrace their sensitive natures. With the guidance and resources contained within this book, HSPs can begin to discover and nurture their true potential.
Praise for The Emerging Sensitive:

“The Emerging Sensitive is an essential resource in supporting highly sensitive people in showing up in relevant ways, and not at a cost to them. The culture we live in has created many challenges to sensitivity and those who are more highly sensitive. Connection has created pain and therefore avoidance for many highly sensitive people. The cost to being present has been the sensitive self. But, it is changing. It needs to change further. I believe our culture will change the more highly sensitive people can join in and offer themselves genuinely, without compromise. I believe strongly in changing the way we all use sensitivity, and this book is a solid contribution to that effort. It is full of great resources to help a spectrum of highly sensitive people in finding their place and bring their gifts to light.”

--Ane Axford, Sensitive Leadership
For More Information
The Emerging Sensitive: A Guide For Finding Your Place In The World is available at Amazon.
Pick up your copy at Barnes & Noble.
Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club at Goodreads.

Book Excerpt:
Hundreds of highly sensitive people (HSPs) have told me about their yearning to live fuller lives. They feel left out, distrusted, and at a loss for how to make a place for themselves in the world.  
HSPs suffer from complicated challenges. Some of the greatest needs of highly sensitive people are safety and a belief that they can find a place in the world for themselves. Highly sensitive people often feel unwanted and without a social home because they are outsiders. As a result, they live with an unwelcome absence of place, which comes from just being who they are.
Some challenges of highly sensitive people are easier to handle than others. For example, stress levels are something a large number of HSPs learn to manage early on. Many of us know that we must slow down, take good care of our health, meditate, and reduce stress as much as possible. Even if we do all those things, we have no guarantee of the life we imagine and truly deserve. Goals like finding suitable work and relating to non-HSPs can be difficult to realize. We are different creatures. The world has not accepted us—yet!
The good news is that the world is changing, albeit slowly, and we now have the opportunity to take our place. This book will help you understand the special times we live in and embrace a well-deserved opportunity to become a part of the world. I hope it offers you a new vision for what is possible for you.
Being sensitive does not mean having purely soft, gentle feelings, although tender and empathetic feelings are an important hallmark of highly sensitive natures. HSPs have a unique nervous system, which takes in the complexity of the world, and as a result we can easily notice lots of unmet needs and want to address them. Because of our humanitarian instincts, we often focus on ignored issues in the world, which can make us seem like troublemakers.
When we evaluate ourselves by the embraced values of Western culture, we have a hard time situating ourselves in a world that devalues sensitivity. As a result, we may have difficulty discovering a positive vision and path for ourselves.
The challenges facing highly sensitive people are so complex that finding a way to make sense of it can be daunting. Highly sensitive people are gifted but often do not receive the support they need to bring their gifts into the world. The purpose of this book is to help highly sensitive people understand themselves better, come to terms with their outsider status in a positive way, find a new path for themselves that will work, and create joy.
The book is divided into four parts:
• Part 1: Understanding The Highly Sensitive Trait:
◦ The biological difference of highly sensitive people and the implications of that difference physically, emotionally, and experientially.
◦ The 'DOES' Model Of Highly Sensitive People created by Dr. Elaine Aron, which defines the key ways highly sensitive biology results in different ways of thinking and processing information for highly sensitive people.
• Part 2: The Importance And Value Of Frameworks:
◦ What frameworks are, why they are important and how they help us make sense of the world better.
The evolution framework, the insights it offers highly sensitive people and how it can be used to make processing information easier.
• Part 3: Getting A Handle On The World:
◦ The structural reasons you feel out of sync with the world and find it hard to thrive.
◦ How the world is changing and why it provides fresh opportunities for highly sensitive people that will make life more fulfilling.
◦ New fields and opportunities for highly sensitive people to do work that suits their natures.
• Part 4: Claiming Agency:
◦ What is “agency” and why is it hard to claim agency as a highly sensitive person.
◦ Skills and tools that highly sensitive people need to harness their sensitivity for positive results
◦ Questions to ask to start investigating new possibilities for your life.
• Resources by section to help you investigate new ideas, opportunities, and skills.
I hope you find the book uplifting and helpful.
Review: This was a truly fascinating book. It contains a plethora of suggestions and resources for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). It explores the traits of the HSP, showing that while they may be viewed as different, they should not be valued as less than anyone else.

The author does a fabulous job of explaining the variety of internal and external challenges faced by the HSP, as well as how the HSP can empower themselves in the face of those challenges.

If you are an HSP or know someone who is, this book is a must read!

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.**
Rating: Four stars
About the Author
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Maria Hill is the founder of HSP Health and Sensitive Evolution. She is a lifelong explorer of the sensitive experience and the challenges of bridging the difference between sensitive and non-sensitive people. Her interest in wisdom traditions, and new developments in the understanding of patterns of human behavior and living provides a unique perspective about the value of the sensitive trait and the needs of highly sensitive people.
For More Information
Visit Maria Hill’s website.
Connect with Maria on Facebook and Twitter.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

In Gallup, Greed (Cinnamon and Burro #2) by Tower Lowe

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Book Information
Genre: Cozy Mystery
  • File Size: 638 KB
  • Print Length: 280 pages
  • Publisher: eiffeltowerpublishers (June 25, 2014)
  • Publication Date: June 25, 2014
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00LBG4TA4
Synopsis: Lonnie is stabbed to death while his sister, Mirage, is in a black out. Did she kill him? Gallup, New Mexico provides the backdrop for greed, scrambled brains, illicit love, and murder in this mystery thriller. Cinnamon and Burro trail a gallery owner, a young boy with TBI, and a group of greedy young artists through the high desert, looking for a murderer. Burro suffers visions of the crime. Spirits communicate with the suspects. Cinnamon and Burro search for answers and the elusive Momma makes a phone call from the past.

Review: This is the second book in the Cinnamon and Burro series, but it works very well as a standalone story. There are a few references to events from the first story, but not enough to confuse the reader.

The author has a writing style which is very easy to read. There are twists and turns to the plot and you'll want to keep reading to see how it is all going to play out in the end. I had a few guesses as to the murderer and got it right on my third guess, which I made before the final reveal.

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire experience of reading this novel, and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys cozy mysteries.

**I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.**

Rating: Four stars

About the author
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My namesake, Eiffel Tower Lowe, "burned herself up" in the pink room -- or that's what Daddy told me. The pink room was right down the hall from my childhood bedroom, and there was a fireplace at the end of the bed. Did she burn herself up right there? The gruesome mystery of Tower Lowe haunted me all my life, so I brought her back to life for my quirky mystery stories.

Monday, March 21, 2016

#KEPRTours RELEASE DAY BLITZ: What Happens In The Alps by T.A. Williams


Happy Release Day to T.A. Williams! WHAT HAPPENS IN THE ALPS... is out today. Grab your copy via the links below.

Alps-CoverBook Information
Title: What Happens in the Alps...
Author: T.A. Williams
Release Date: March 21, 2016
Genres: Chick 
Lit Publisher: Harlequin/Carina UK

Summary: Up in the magical, snow kissed mountains… Two years ago, Annie Brewer’s life was turned upside down when her adrenaline-junkie husband died in a tragic climbing accident. So she’s hoping that moving to the beautiful village of Santorso in the Italian Alps will finally put her life back on track! …anything can happen! She might be going into business with her oldest friend – notorious lady-charmer Matt Brown – but men are definitely out of the question for Annie! That is, until she bumps into tall, dark and delicious Alessandro Lago on the ski slopes…and spontaneously says ‘Yes’ to a date! It must be the crisp mountain air but suddenly, anything seems possible. The only trouble is, chivalrous Matt is looking more gorgeous than ever…

A sparkling romantic comedy guaranteed to beat the winter blues, What Happens in the Alps…is one story you don’t want miss in 2016!

Goodreads Link

Buy Links
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Barnes & Noble:

Author Biography TAWilliams

Firstly, my name isn't T A. It's Trevor. I write under the androgynous name T A Williams because 65% of books are read by women. In my first book, "Dirty Minds" one of the (female) characters suggests the imbalance is due to the fact that men spend too much time getting drunk and watching football. I couldn't possibly comment. Ask my wife... I've written all sorts: thrillers, historical novels, short stories and now I'm enjoying myself hugely writing humour and romance. Romantic comedies are what we all need from time to time. Life isn’t always very fair. It isn’t always a lot of fun, but when it is, we need to embrace it. If my books can put a smile on your face and maybe give your heartstrings a tug, then I know I’ve done my job. I‘ve lived all over Europe, but now I live in a little village in sleepy Devon, tucked away in south west England. I love the place. That’s why you’ll find leafy lanes and thatched cottages in most of my books. Oh, yes, and a black Labrador.   I've been writing since I was 14 and that is half a century ago. However, underneath this bald, wrinkly exterior, there beats the heart of a youngster. My wife is convinced I will never grow up. I hope she's right.

Social Networking Links
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New Releases/Free And Bargain Books This Week!

Sharing the Love of Books
Enjoy our selection of New Releases / Free & Bargain Books this week

Authors please feel free to add your own books
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(any genre except erotica welcome)

This weekly link up is hosted by Beck Valley Books & these awesome book loving blogs...
 Life as Leels | IrishdaisylovesRomance | Book Babble | All Romance Reader
It's My Side of Life | Celticlady's Reviews | First Time Mommy Adventures | Bound 2 Escape
Beck Valley BooksA Library of Reviews | Cinnamon Hollow Reviews
Miki's Hope | Taking Time for Mommy | Nicki's Nook
Ebook Addicts | I Love Romance | A Bit Bookish | Mother Distracted | Colorimetry
Totally Addicted to Reading | 3 Partners in Shopping | Angie's Angle I Creat Purty Thangs | Wishful Endings
Lynchburg Mama | LibriAmoriMieiAli - The Dragon Slayer | Wondermom WannabeMy Bizzy World |  Deal Sharing Aunt 

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For Free Books post - FREE / genre / title / author / end date 
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(Strictly no Erotica please.  Steamy romance is fine but watch those covers people, incase any underage child is viewing it!)

Here is this weeks awesome selection!

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Sunday, March 20, 2016

April Showers Blog Tour Preview Post #ItsRainingBooks!

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I will be reading and reviewing these five new books in April. Can hardly wait to get started!

 photo meme-springtour1-300x300_zpsaxbs45pd.jpg It is the spring of 1989 in New York City when Jill Dodge, a post-punk rocker from Texas, finally gets her big promotion at Mega Big Records. She is thrust into a race to find a gritty, urban rapper before the “Gangsta” trend passes their label by. As Jill and her mostly middle-class coworkers search for the next big rap star, they fluctuate between alliances and rivalries, tripping over the stereotypes of race, class, and musical genre. They work to promote their current roster of acts as well as the new rap artist they sign to a contract. It turns out, he may not be what they expected. Full of original lyrics and wit, Start With the Backbeat is a compelling examination of the nuances of class, race, and culture in America―which are sometimes ridiculously serious.

A GIRL LIKE YOU by Michelle Cox
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Henrietta Von Harmon works as a “26 girl” at a corner bar on Chicago’s northwest side. It’s 1935, but things still aren’t looking up since the big crash and her father’s subsequent suicide, leaving Henrietta to care for her antagonistic mother and younger siblings. Henrietta is eventually persuaded to take a job as a taxi dancer at a local dance hall―and just when she’s beginning to enjoy herself, the floor matron turns up dead.When aloof Inspector Clive Howard appears on the scene, Henrietta agrees to go undercover for him―and is plunged into Chicago’s grittier underworld. Meanwhile, she’s still busy playing mother hen to her younger siblings, as well as to pesky neighborhood boy Stanley, who believes himself in love with her and keeps popping up in the most unlikely places, determined to keep Henrietta safe―even from the Inspector, if need be.

Parting Gifts by Katrina Willis
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Broken by their unorthodox midwestern childhood, sisters Catherine, Anne, and Jessica Mathers search for love, acceptance, and worth―often in the most unlikely places. Catherine, the oldest of the Mathers sisters, is an English professor battling breast cancer with Cytoxan, red wine, and profanity. Anne is a wife and stay-at-home mother of two struggling to make ends meet in a suburban existence that both suffocates and confounds her. Jessica, the youngest by ten years and estranged―by choice―from her family, is an exotic dancer who feels safer on stage than in a relationship. But when the sisters are faced with an incomprehensible loss, they are forced to reevaluate themselves, their damaged bonds, and their fragile future.Parting Gifts illuminates one highly dysfunctional family’s tentative, desperate crawl toward a life of meaning and worth.

Meternity by Meghann Foye
 photo meme-springtour4-300x300_zpsgic2ql1v.jpg Like everyone in New York media, editor Liz Buckley runs on cupcakes, caffeine and cocktails. But at thirty-one, she’s plateaued at Paddy Cakes, a glossy baby magazine that flogs thousand-dollar strollers to entitled, hypercompetitive spawn-havers. Liz has spent years working a gazillion hours a week picking up the slack for coworkers with kids, and she’s tired of it. So one day when her bosses mistake her stress-related nausea for morning sickness—boom! Liz is promoted to the mommy track. She decides to run with it and plans to use her paid time off to figure out her life: work, love and otherwise. It’ll be her “meternity” leave. By day, Liz rocks a foam-rubber belly under fab maternity outfits. By night, she dumps the bump for karaoke nights and boozy dinners out. But how long can she keep up her charade…and hide it from the guy who might just be The One? As her “due date” approaches, Liz is exhausted—and exhilarated—by the ruse, the guilt and the feelings brought on by a totally fictional belly-tenant…about happiness, success, family and the nature of love.
The Goodbye Year by Kaira Rouda
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Melanie, a perfectionist mom who views the approaching end of parenting as a type of death, can’t believe she has only one more year to live vicariously through her slacker senior son, Dane. Gorgeous mom Sarah has just begun to realize that her only daughter, Ashley, has been serving as a stand-in for her traveling husband, and the thought of her daughter leaving for college is cracking the carefully cultivated façade of her life. Will and his wife are fine―as long as he follows the instructions on the family calendar and is sure to keep secret his whole other life with Lauren, the woman he turns to for fun (and who also happens to have a daughter in the senior class).Told from the points of view of both the parents and the kids, The Goodbye Year explores high school peer pressure, what it’s like for young people to face the unknown of life after high school, and how a transition that should be the beginning of a couple’s second act together―empty nesting―might possibly be the end.