Tuesday, April 4, 2017

BLOG TOUR AND GIVEAWAY: Silence Of The Jams (A Down South Cafe Mystery #2) by Gayle Leeson

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Book Information
Silence of the Jams (A Down South Café Mystery) 
Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Berkley (April 4, 2017)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1101990803

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Synopsis: In the latest Southern cozy from the author of The Calamity Café, small-town chef Amy Flowers can’t take her freedom for granted when she’s served up as a murder suspect... 

It's Independence Day in Winter Garden, Virginia, and the residents are gearing up for their annual celebration. The Down South Café is open and flourishing, and Amy Flowers is busy making pies and cakes for the holiday. The only thorn in her side is Chamber of Commerce director George Lincoln, who is trying to buy the café so he can tear it down and build a B&B on the site.
When George collapses while eating at the Down South, everybody assumes it's a heart attack—until the autopsy declares it to be poisoning. Now, it’s up to Amy to prove her innocence before her liberty is lost. 

Includes delicious Southern recipes!

Review: Amy Flowers is a wonderful Southern heroine for this cozy series. Her cafe is a fun setting with an enjoyable cast of supporting characters. This particular story takes several twists and turns as Amy works to solve the murder of the Chamber of Commerce director.

There are some great recipes included at the end of the book for some of the dishes Amy whips up in her cafe.

I am already looking forward to book 3, Honey-Baked Homicide, which releases the end of this year.

Rating: Four stars

About the author
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Gayle Leeson is a pseudonym for Gayle Trent. I also write as Amanda Lee. As Gayle Trent, I write the Daphne Martin Cake Mystery series and the Myrtle Crumb Mystery series. As Amanda Lee, I write the Embroidery Mystery series. I live in Virginia with my family, which includes her own “Angus” who is not an Irish wolfhound but a Great Pyrenees who provides plenty of inspiration for the character of Mr. O’Ruff. I’m having a blast writing this new series!
Authors Links:
Gayle Trent Webpage – http://www.gayletrent.com
Purchase Links
Amazon     Barnes & Noble      Books-A-Million       Indiebound      Kobo


Donamae Kutska said...

Sounds like a really good book.

Jackie Nolan said...

I loved this book! <3

Anonymous said...

I love this title it makes me laugh...I would love to read the Book it sounds great.
Marilyn ewatvess@yahoo.com

oneponychick66 said...

Loved the first book!!

diannekc said...

I haven't started this series yet, but I really enjoyed the description of the book and I'm looking forward to reading the series.

Karen B said...

A new to me series. Love your Embroidery Mystery books.

Robin Coxon said...

I always enjoy finding a new series to follow. Thank you for posting information on your blog.

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Gayle said...

Thank you!

Patricia P. said...

Really looking forward to reading Silence of the Jams. Have ordered the first book from my library. Thanks so much for the giveaway. patwalkerp@gmail.com