Friday, October 31, 2014

COTT'S September Releases Clash

Welcome to the September clash!!

Five new books for your bookshelf this month! From suspense to humor, these books are the newest addition to CBA. Which one lands at the top of your to-be-read pile? Based on what you see below, please choose the book that grabs you--the one you'd read first. Cast your vote below and help bring one book to the top of the pile!

Winner announced right here on Thursday, November 6!

A TIME TO DIE by Nadine Brandes

In a world where everyone has a Clock showing their day of death, Parvin Blackwater tries to find meaning in her last year alive by rescuing Radicals from the government’s crooked justice system. When the authorities find out about her illegal activity, they cast her through the Wall -- her people's death sentence.

Purchase A Time to Die


Best friends Claire and Patsy embark on a mission of mishaps and miscommunication, determined to restore warmth to Chapel Springs —and their lives. But with a friend like Claire, you need a gurney, a mop, and a guardian angel.

Purchase Chapel Springs Revival

A PROMISE TO PROTECT by Patricia Bradley

Acting Sheriff Ben Logan hasn’t heard from Leigh Somerall in a very long time, but it doesn’t mean he can get her—or their whirlwind romance of ten years ago—out of his head. In a steamy small town riddled with broken promises, one woman’s secret could change everything.

Purchase A Promise to Protect

KEPT by Sally Bradley

Thirty years into life, Miska Tomlinson is left with nothing but pain, loss, and a boyfriend who won’t leave his wife. But when Dillan Foster moves in next door, Miska realizes that she’s on a path of self-destruction and that there are honorable men—like Dillan who, now that he knows her past, wants nothing to do with her.

Purchase Kept


Catie, Jolene and Uli aren't sure how they ended up over 40 and still single, but when a new GWP (Guy With Potential) enters her life, Catie begins to think there might be hope ... until her life falls apart. With their hearts on the line, these three friends search for love and find it in unexpected places.

Purchase Spinstered the Novel

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Maya & Filippo Visit A Glacier, by Alinka Rutkowska

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Synopsis: Embark on an exciting adventure with Maya and Filippo as they travel around the globe on board the Fun Princess, a cruise ship full of surprises. Discover their fascinating ports of call, join them in activities at sea and explore the remarkable world they create for themselves through their thoughts and feelings.

The ship takes the kids to Juneau. Maya and Filippo see Mendenhall Glacier and learn about melting ice, bears, fish and flowers. They discover how feeling grateful brings wonderful things into their lives and they are in for a big surprise!

Thoughts: **I was given a copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review.**

Maya, Filippo, their parents, and their cat Otello live on a cruise ship called the Fun Princess. This is the story of their trip to Alaska, and visit to a glacier. 

Lots of good information provided in a fun way for young children. Every page has bright colorful illustrations to keep their attention as well. There is also a short quiz at the end of the book to promote comprehension, as well as some additional facts to encourage further learning.

Looking forward to reading this to my grandson next time he visits!

My rating: Four stars

Thursday, October 23, 2014

More Than A Whisper: One Woman's Journey Through Pain To Grace, by Anne Sano Keller

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Synopsis: More than a Whisper tells the intimate story of Anne Sano Keller’s journey from the emptiness of being raised by parents who couldn’t love her, to suffering a mother’s greatest sorrow, and finally emerging into the fullness of grace. When her heart is shattered and she can no longer go on, the universe shows her its divine plan. 

After giving up all hope of reconciliation, Anne receives a letter from her estranged father, who is dying of cancer. She finds herself embarking on a ten-year journey into a world of surrender and forgiveness. As she tries to maintain her normal life, she finds herself living with one foot in this world and one foot in the spirit world. 

More than a Whisper started as a private journal meant only for her children to read someday. It became a book when Anne received “more than a whisper” from her spirit guide and departed loved ones, urging her to tell her story, with the hope that others might take from it the courage to face life’s greatest challenges and ask, “What is this here to teach me?”

Thoughts: **I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.**

This book resonated with me from the very beginning. I also spent years trying to make myself into someone my parents could love, and finally started to just be ME in my forties. I had to let go of one relationship,but the other has grown stronger and deeper over the last few years.

The author of this book had a lot of tragedy in her life in a very short time, but she got through it all with a belief in a higher power and an afterlife. She shows how we can all become open to recognize daily miracles, signs from our lost loved ones, and visits from angels.

At the end of her story, the author shares two different meditations which she had written about. I haven't tried either of them yet, but I have every intention of doing so very soon. There are also discussion questions included which would be good for a book club to use.

This was an inspiring story, and a very easy read.

My rating: Four stars

What Really Happened: John Edwards, Our Daughter, And Me, by Rielle Hunter

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Synopsis: The John Edwards-Rielle Hunter affair made headlines for years. The story has been reported, distorted, and spun over and over again by the media, by political aides, by the US government, and by supposed friends. There is, however, someone who actually knows the truth, someone who lived it from day one: Rielle Hunter. Here, Hunter offers an extremely personal account of her relationship with Edwards: how they met, how their accidental love started and escalated, what it was like to fall in love with a married man who decided to run for president, the surprise of becoming pregnant during the campaign, how the affair became public, the extensive cover-up, and what happened in the years after Edwards publicly admitted to being the father of their daughter. This book doesn't spin the truth to achieve a prettier picture or a better story. It isn't about changing anyone's mind. It's simply the facts, the truth of what really happened.

Thoughts: I was hoping for something a little more from this book. What I got was a book written by a narcissistic, delusional, arrogant woman. She claims not to be a gold-digger, but throughout the book she talks about telling this guy or that one "I need a place to live, I need money for expenses, I need a car" and immediately having her needs met. Whatever happened to getting a job and working for your money? 

And the way she talks about Elizabeth Edwards is VERY harsh. The behavior she describes may or may not be the truth, but describing it in such detail makes Hunter seem vindictive and like the typical mistress, sure that she is SO much better than the wife.

Hunter's writing style is also lacking. She writes in a way that makes her come across as a love-sick teenager, not a forty year old woman who should be more mature.

Glad I borrowed this audiobook from the library and didn't actually PAY for it!!

My rating: One star

Monday, October 20, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? October 20, 2014

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What I read last week:
1) Making Marion, by Beth Moran
2) Ghost House, by Alexandra Adornetto
3) Hog Insane, by Carole Brown

What I listened to last week:
1)  Dread On Arrival, by Claudia Bishop
2)  Stolen Innocence, by Elissa Wall

What I'm currently reading:
1) Hilltop Sunset,by Joyce T. Strand
2) Murder 101, by Faye Kellerman
3) Ark Storm, by Linda Davies

What I'm currently listening to:
1) A Fete Worse Than Death, by Claudia Bishop

What I plan to read this week:
1) Elvis Saves, by Bill Yancey
2) The Cookbook Collector, by Allegra Goodman
3) Paws For Murder, Annie Knox

What I plan to listen to this week:
1)What Really Happened, by Rielle Hunter
2) Not The Killing Type, by Lorna Barrett
3) Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story. by C. David Heymann

COTT presents Veiled at Midnight by Christine Lindsay


Seeing the second generation of one’s literary family in the explosive and passionate completion of my series is almost as much fun as watching my real life adult children grow up.

There were hard decisions though. Just like in real life. My setting is one that some readers don’t think they will be interested in. That is until they actually start reading the books. When my sales numbers weren’t as high as some of my peers I wondered if I should chuck the whole idea of finishing this series and start over in a more marketable setting.

But I believe in longevity, the long, slow cook…like raising a family. I stuck with my artistic integrity and finished this series that I believed in. I’m glad I did. The first two books have garnered critical acclaim.

I've watched with pride as the three main characters of Veiled at Midnight, Captain Cam Fraser, his sister Miriam, and the beautiful Indian Dassah whom Cam loves, grow up in the first two books.

In Shadowed in Silk, the reader first meets Cam as a three-year-old boy who doesn't understand why his natural father is unkind to him and his mother Abby when they first arrive in India.

It’s also in the first book that Dassah is mentioned. Here’s that snippet.

“This morning,” the elderly Miriam said, “a poor woman came from one of the villages. Her labor advanced quickly and well. Her husband told her if the baby was a girl to be letting it die.”

Abby held back a cry. “Was it a girl?”

The elder Miriam smiled. “I convinced the mother to leave the infant with us. I am calling her Hadassah, an old Bible name.”

From the moment I first wrote this scene I knew I wanted this baby girl to be the heroine of the final book.

In Book 2 Captured by Moonlight we are introduced to Miriam, Cam’s little sister.

The pram jiggled, setting the toys and trinkets attached to the hood to jingle and clatter. In response, a soft coo issued from within, along with two woolen, booty-covered feet kicking and setting the toys to tinkle again. The little rascal was awake. Abby leaned in and picked up Cam’s nine-month-old sister, Miriam. After kissing the corn-silk hair, she passed the baby to Laine.

You will notice that Cam’s little sister is named after the elderly Miriam in Book 1. This namesake will be just as heroic in the final book.

I had such fun planting the seeds of a passionate romance in book 2 that would burst into full bloom in the final book.

Here’s the first snippet of Cam and Dassah’s romance from Captured by Moonlight.

At five, Cam already showed the tall frame he’d inherited from his natural father, but Cam emulated the character of Geoff. How that boy adored his step-father. As soon as the boy noticed Laine, he ran in her direction and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Laine, you came.”

“You don’t think for a minute I’d let you sail to the Orient without my goodbye kiss.” Laine kissed him twice on the cheek, and he fidgeted to be free. “And here’s one from your little friend, Hadassah. I saw her tonight at the mission, and she was rather put out that you weren’t there to play with her.”

“Dassah is just a baby.” Cam squirmed out of her arms, a sharp furrow between his brows. “Enough kissing, Laine. You’re much more fun on the cricket pitch than acting like a girl.”

“Oh but I am a girl, and I admit that I like kissing very, very much. You won’t appreciate that fact about girls for a few years, but my dear young man, the day will come....”

In Book 3 Veiled at Midnight these three characters, Cam, his sister Miriam, and Dassah are adults and are heroes and heroines in their own right. One of the fun things about tying up a series is you get to draw on old family sins and emotional pain to rise up again in the next generation. Just like real life. Here they are, all grown up.


Book Blurb:

VEILED AT MIDNIGHT—Book 3 of the series Twilight of the British Raj

As the British Empire comes to an end, millions flee to the roads. Caught up in the turbulent wake is Captain Cam Fraser, his sister Miriam, and the beautiful Indian Dassah.

Cam has never been able to put Dassah from his mind, ever since the days when he played with the orphans at the mission as a boy. But a British officer and the aide to the last viceroy cannot marry a poor Indian woman, can he?

As this becomes clear to Dassah, she has no option but to run. Cam may hold her heart—but she cannot let him break it again.
Miriam rails against the separation of the land of her birth, but is Lieutenant Colonel Jack Sunderland her soulmate or a distraction from what God has called her to do?

The 1947 Partition has separated the country these three love…but can they find their true homes before it separates them forever?


Christine Lindsay was born in Ireland, and is proud of the fact that she was once patted on the head by Prince Philip when she was a baby. Her great grandfather, and her grandfather—yes father and son—were both riveters on the building of the Titanic. Tongue in cheek, Christine states that as a family they accept no responsibility for the sinking of that infamous ship.

Stories of Christine’s ancestors who served in the British Cavalry in Colonial India inspired her multi-award-winning, historical series Twilight of the British Raj, Book 1 Shadowed in Silk, Book 2 Captured by Moonlight. The last book in that series Veiled at Midnight is releasing this Oct. 15, 2014.

Londonderry Dreaming is Christine’s first contemporary romance set in N. Ireland.
Christine makes her home on the west coast of Canada with her husband and their grown up family. Her cat Scottie is chief editor on all Christine’s books.

Please drop by Christine’s website; or follow her on Twitter and be her friend on Pinterest , and  Goodreads

Q & A

Are you open to new settings providing you knew the story was good?

How do you feel about stories set during true historical events such as wars?

Do you like a good love story (set in a historical novel), which is somewhat different from a straight romance novel?


Do you like hearing about new Christian Fiction titles? Enjoy friendly sparring matches between your favorite authors? Be sure to "like" Clash of the Titles on Facebook to keep yourself "in the know" -- and have some fun, too!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hog Insane: A Denton and Alex Davies Mystery by Carole Brown

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Synopsis: Award winning fiction author, Carole Brown, offers mystery readers a new suspense driven cozy series featuring Denton and Alex Davies. Brown's writing is full of turns and twists. Her ability to build suspense has been likened to the early works of James Patterson. 
With the Mountain Mist Campground at Pigeon Forge as their final destination, the Davies couple load up their RV and eagerly head for the Smokey Mountains. 
Newly retired, Denton hopes to use this trip to rekindle the dwindling flame of his marriage. In spite of her protests, he is sure his wife looks forward to the rest and relaxation as much as he does. 
They barely arrive at their destination when a risk-taking motorcyclist speeds past them, followed by a careening sports car. Reminding Denton of his nephew's fatal tangle ten years earlier. With the bike Denton taught him to ride. 
Things continue to go south the rest of the evening, culminating when Denton finds a body sprawled in the brush beside the path to their cabin. A man's booted feet are toe down, as if they'd dug into the ground. And with biker gloves on his hands, indication is Denton may have seen this man earlier in the day. 
Squatting beside him, Denton presses two fingers alongside the man's neck. No pulse. But Denton knew there wouldn't be. The bullet hole in the victim's head says it all. Denton has a job to do and a mystery to solve. 

Thoughts: **I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.**

Although this book is very different from Carole Brown's first novel, The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman,it is equally well written. It is a light,easy read, and once I got into it, it was impossible to put down. The ending was like one of the mystery shows I used to watch on television, with all the suspects gathered in one place while Denton revealed the facts of the case, and the culprit. 

The main characters, a pair of retirees, are very well written and believable. The supporting characters are all interesting people that you can care about. The plot kept me guessing--and my only complaint was that, even with the reveal, it wasn't totally clear who the actual murderer had been. It was only one rather throw away sentence which provided that information.

All in all, not a bad first attempt at a cozy mystery, and I look forward to more adventures for Denton and Alex.

My rating: Four stars

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Pre-Order Blitz: Dust, by Sarah Daltry

BANNER2   Dust Cover   7372f-blogaddtogoodreads     synopsis
Who makes YOUR choices?
"I was once the type of person who was impressed by starlight; the type of person who would dance beneath glass ceilings and let the world swim in its loveliness. The sky reminds me of the parties we used to throw - parties like the one last night. The memories bring back the trill of harps and endless ripples of satisfied laughter. Now, though, when I try to recall what I felt, all I hear is screaming." In a world ravaged by war and oppressive forces of evil, a princess must fight to claim her bloodright and save her people. When the princess, Alondra, falls for the beautiful, blue eyes of a hooded stranger, it awakens in her a taste for freedom and an escape from her duty. But her parents have other plans; they have a kingdom to protect and Alondra must marry to ensure the peace between nations. Only what happens when your parents choose a cold-hearted assassin as your betrothed? As lies, illusions, and long hidden vendettas surface, the princess has to confront a very secret history. One that makes her realize that she not only risks losing her liberty, but also everything she has known and loved.
Buy Link

Sarah Daltry is a varied author, known best for the contemporary New Adult series, 'Flowering', a six-title series that explores the complexities of relationships, including how we survive the damage from our pasts with the support of those who love us. Although the books are no longer in print, they are being rewritten and redeveloped for future publication. Please visit Sarah's website for more details.
As a former English teacher and YA library coordinator, Sarah has always loved Young Adult literature and 'Dust', an epic fantasy novel where romance blends with the blood and grit of war, is her second official foray into YA, following the gamer geek romantic comedy, 'Backward Compatible'. Most of Sarah's work is about teens and college students, as it's what she knows well.
Sarah's passion in life is writing - weaving tales of magic and beauty. The modern and vast social networking world is an alternative universe that she makes infrequent trips to, but when she does, readers will find her attentive, friendly and happy to discuss the magic of stories and reading. Please stop by and say hello anywhere Sarah is online! You can find these places at
Sarah has moved back and forth between independent and traditional publishing. Her first novel, 'Bitter Fruits', is with Escape, an imprint of Harlequin Australia, and she signed with Little Bird Publishing in the spring of 2014.
Sarah has also written 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,' a reimagining of one of her favorite poems in a contemporary setting.
She is an obsessive Anglophile who spends more time watching BBC TV than any human being should, as well as a hardcore gamer and sarcastic nerd.
You can also check out samples of Sarah's work at DeviantArt and Wattpad.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ghost House (The Ghost House Saga #1) by Alexandra Adornetto

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Synopsis: After the loss of her mother, Chloe Kennedy starts seeing the ghosts that haunted her as a young girl again. Spending time at her grandmother's country estate in the south of England is her chance to get away from her grief and the spirits that haunt her. Until she meets a mysterious stranger…

Alexander Reade is 157 years dead, with secrets darker than the lake surrounding Grange Hall and a lifelike presence that draws Chloe more strongly than any ghost before. But the bond between them awakens the vengeful spirit of Alexander's past love, Isobel. And she will stop at nothing to destroy anyone who threatens to take him from her.

To stop Isobel, Chloe must push her developing abilities to their most dangerous limits, even if it means losing Alex forever… and giving the hungry dead a chance to claim her for their own.

Thoughts: This is one of the best YA books I've read this year. It has suspense, romance, and just plain creepiness. The idea of Chloe and Alex as a couple is a little hard to swallow, but the rest of the plot was very well done.  There is a remarkably scary scene in the guest house, and another on the lake. There are also scenes from the past, when Alex and Isobel were alive, which help to explain their back story.

My rating: Four stars

Making Marion: Where's Robin Hood When You Need Him? by Beth Moran

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Synopsis: Marion Miller came to Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire to discover her father's mysterious past, but all she has to go on is a picture of her father dressed up, it would seem, as Robin Hood. It takes Marion all she's got to come out of her shell and get to grips with life on a busy campsite, where the chickens seem determined to thwart her and an unfortunate incident with a runaway bike throws her into the arms of the beautiful, but deeply unimpressed, Reuben. Marion's would-be boyfriend Jake, and Reuben's stunning fiancee Erica, conspire to leave little room for Marion to daydream about the twinkling eyes of her rescuer, nevertheless. Can Marion really find peace, and perhaps even love, among the pigs?

Thoughts: This was a great read! It has a little bit of everything: romance, mystery, comedy, and tragedy. I fell in love with Marion early on, as she is very introverted and has great difficulty talking to strangers, which is an affliction I can relate to very well. 

This was my first foray into British Christian fiction, but other than the obvious language differences between British English and American English, I found more similarities than anything else. There were a few instances of cursing, but they were true to the character involved, not just thrown in for shock value. And although sex did occur a few times, it was between an older married couple, and it was not described graphically, but was mostly hinted at, and in a comedic way.  

The most impressive part of the story from the Christian perspective was the forgiveness aspect. Marion had to finally find a way to forgive someone who had hurt her deeply throughout her life, all the while realizing that person was probably never going to apologize for their behavior.

**I received a copy of this book through Library Thing Early Reviewers in exchange for an honest review.**

My rating: Four stars

The Mists Of Time (The Oracles, Book Four) by Delia Colvin--Preview and Giveaway

In anticipation of her newest book - 
Book Four of The Oracles: The Mists of Time, 
author Delia Colvin is offering a preview and a giveaway! 
It's the perfect time to get the rest of the previous books just before Book 4 is released,
check them out here

 "An edge of the seat read," Beck Valley Books 
"Love, love, love this series!" 

He was destined to love one woman for eternity... Until The Fates interfered. From International Bestselling author Delia J. Colvin, the saga continues with Book Four of the Bestselling Oracles series; The Mists of Time. Alex & Valeria are finally settled in modern day Manhattan. But the past is shifting. When Alex's sister, Antonia, returns through an opening in time, Alex follows and secrets are revealed which compromise not only Alex and Valeria's happy ending, but that of Paolo, Antonia and all of the oracles. 

Available from December 1st

Ready for a sneak preview before anyone else??

 "The Oracles does for Greek Mythology what Outlander does for the Klans of the Scottish Highlands!"

About the Author
delia colvin authorDelia authors a popular blog and is listed as a contributor in two business books. While developing her skills as an author, Delia worked in a variety of occupations from marketing to entrepreneur, Air Traffic Controller and Russian Interpreter. But her passion is in writing and helping people. Delia has donated both time and money to literacy programs around the country.

PERSONAL NOTE From the Author: As much as I enjoy writing, I love hearing from readers even more! It would mean the world to me if you would take a moment to send me an email and say hi. I personally answer all of my emails. Email me at

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(winners choice)
plus The Sibylline Oracle ebook
4 more winners receive the ebook too!!
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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Zombie-Kids by Julia Dweck

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Synopsis: The Zombie-Kids have arrived in this original bestselling title ranked #1 among Amazon's Bestsellers in Children's Color Picture Books and hand selected by the editors at Amazon for the prestigious, "Kindle Daily Deal." Don't miss out on this hilarious bestselling adventure that put Zombie-Kids on the map to rave customer reviews. 

Did you know that zombies are people that have feelings, too? They like to be loved just like me and like you. Join the zombie-kids as they bowl, dance, skate, and go to the movies in their unique zombie-way. You'll have an eerily good time. 

And don't miss the sequel, Zombie Kids Go Green, also available on Kindle store

Thoughts: A great book for the Halloween season, or any other time of year. Aside from being about zombies, it also teaches tolerance and acceptance of those different from you, as in this verse:

Zombies are people 
  that have feelings too
They like to be loved
  just like me and like you.

As with Dweck's other books, the rhymes are very easy to read, and lots of fun. She works with fabulous illustrators, and this time is no exception. I plan to share this book with my grandson in the near future, and I'm sure he will enjoy it as much as I have.

My rating: Five stars

Jump by Julia Dweck

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Synopsis: Jack’s little heart began to thump, 
As he prepared to take a jump. 
He swung around and then he flexed. 
His thousandth jump was coming next. 

Then tightening his coils, he sank, 
And listened to the music crank. 
He sprung out free, no longer trapped. 
His rusty spring broke loose and SNAPPED! 

What’s a Jack-in-the-box without his home? Poor Jack has never jumped out of anything before, but his worn out box. Can Barker, the neighborhood dog, prove to Jack that there are many more exciting jumps outside in the great, big world? Young readers will find lots of giggles in the rhyming text and wondrous jumps that Barker and Jack discover together. The full screen art by illustrator, Brian Allen, positively leaps off the page. The author, Julia Dweck, has done a wonderful job of weaving in the subtle message that it’s important to believe in yourself and to think outside of the box in order to realize life’s wondrous possibilities. This bouncy tale from Sleepy Sheep Productions will leave young readers jumping for joy! Leveled for young readers ages 4 – 8, but relevant to readers of all ages. 

Thoughts: **I received a copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.**

A great story for teaching young children to think outside the box, literally and figuratively. Easy to read rhyming story with big bold illustrations on each page. Jack and Barker have great adventures in jumping which will leave kids smiling and laughing. I especially loved the words on the last page.

And so the two friends hopped away.
The moral is quite clear, I'd say.
To think outside the box, you must
First take a leap of faith and trust!

My rating: Five stars

Monday, October 13, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? October 13, 2014

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What I read last week:
1)  Doctor Who: Silhouette, by Justin Richards

What I listened to last week:
1)  Toast Mortem, by Claudia Bishop
2)  The Waiting: The True Story of a Lost Child, a Lifetime of Longing, and a Miracle for a Mother Who Never Gave Up, by Cathy LaGrow

What I'm currently reading:
1)  Hilltop Sunset,by Joyce T. Strand
2) Hog Insane, by Carole Brown
3) Making Marion, by Beth Moran
4) Ghost House, by Alexandra Adornetto

What I'm currently listening to:
1) Dread On Arrival, by Claudia Bishop

What I plan to read this week:
1) Crazy In Paradise, by Deborah Brown
2) Deception In Paradise, by Deborah Brown
3) Trouble In Paradise, Deborah Brown

What I plan to listen to this week:
1) Stolen Innocence, by Elissa Wall
2) A Fete Worse Than Death, by Claudia Bishop
3) What Really Happened, by Rielle Hunter

COTT Presents "The Hesitant Heiress"

by Michelle Massaro

Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to debut author Dawn Crandall and her new release The Hesitant Heiress. The first thing I'd like to point out is the absolutely gorgeous cover! I adore the soft pink gown, and the mysterious manor in the background.

{About The Hesitant Heiress} 

After being unjustly expelled from the Boston Conservatory of Music, Amaryllis Brigham sees her dreams of founding a music academy disappearing before her very eyes. Now the only way to achieve her goal comes with high stakes for someone set on avoiding men as much as possible: marry within the year to inherit her grandmother’s fortune. Amaryllis reluctantly takes part in her aunt’s society, intent on getting to the west coast on her own… and without a husband.

Despite her own misgivings, she soon finds herself falling in love with the most unlikely of men, Nathan Everstone, whose father not only had a part in her expulsion, but whose ominous presence has haunted her dreams for a decade since her mother’s tragic death. Nathan turns out to be much more than he seems and everything she never knew she wanted. But just as everything Amaryllis has recently hoped for comes to fruition, it all falls apart when she finds that the real culprit who has been managing her life isn't who she thought at all.

Ooooh! Sounds good, right? This is a debut title and the first in a trilogy called The Everstone Chronicles. The great news is, if you purchase this now, you only have to wait a few weeks for the next installment. Perfect for that Fall Fix you need when you want to curl up on the couch with a throw blanket on your lap and a cup of coffee/tea/cocoa beside you.

The Everstone Chronicles from Whitaker House:

Book 1, The Hesitant Heiress releases August 2014 -- Read chapter one!
Book 2, The Bound Heart releases November 2014
Book 3, The Captive Imposter releases February 2015

The Hesitant Heiress (August 1, 2014), The Bound Heart (November 3, 2014) and the third in the series, The Captive Imposter (February 2015) are full length historical romantic suspense novels written from first person POV in the Gothic style of Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.

And now, let's meet Dawn!

{About Dawn Crandall}

Dawn Crandall writes long inspirational historical romantic suspense. She has a BA in Christian Education from Taylor University and lives in northeast Indiana with her ever-supportive husband, her three cats [Lilly, Pumpkin and Clover] and their newest addition, a little baby boy named Rhett (March 2014).

A former bookseller at Barnes & Noble, Dawn didn't begin writing until her husband found out about her long-buried dream of writing a book. Without a doubt about someday becoming traditionally published, he encouraged her to quit her job in 2010 in order to focus on writing The Hesitant Heiress. It didn't take her long to realize that writing books was what she was made to do. Dawn is represented by Joyce Hart of Hartline Literary.

Dawn is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, secretary for the Indiana ACFW Chapter (Hoosier Ink), and associate member of the Great Lakes ACFW Chapter.

Connect with her at:
Now go check out that sneak peek chapter! ;)


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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Crowned! by Julia Dweck

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Synopsis: From best selling children’s author, Julia Dweck, comes a tale of fantasy, adventure and bravery. Quinn is a fairy sprite who dreams of becoming queen. But how does one become a queen? All the books Quinn has ever read claim that damsels in distress are rescued by princes and then live happily ever after. Quinn’s search for a handsome prince is brought to an abrupt halt by a nasty two-headed ogre who threatens the safety of Fairy Land. And suddenly, a dreaded sound, As something wicked stomped the ground. A gruesome ogre, wide and tall, And both heads said, “I’m King of all!” Now looking round, Quinn was alone. How could she stop it on her own? But fairies always locked their doors When ogres came to settle scores. Can Quinn summon the queen inside her heart to outwit this evil foe? Crowned! is a clever fairy tale, which teaches young readers that two heads aren’t always better than one--especially when you’re dealing with one very determined young fairy. Artist, Beth Trott, waves her magic paintbrush, blending color and fantasy into each breathtaking page. Young readers will be dazzled not only by the story, but also challenging activities that extend the learning and fun. Crowned! is a crowning achievement.

Thoughts:  **I was given a copy of this book by the author in return for an honest review.**

I love Quinn, and think she would make a great role model for little girls. The rhyming story is simple and easy to follow, and easy to read for young readers, as well. The illustrations are big and colorful, and simply adorable. Quinn shows that girls don't need to be "rescued" by boys, and that it's okay for them to be smart, brave, and independent.

There are a couple of activity pages at the end of the story as well. The one with various queens from history shows that there are/were REAL women like Quinn, which is a wonderful teaching point. The other, where children can find the hidden frogs, is fairly easy for the younger ones, and would aid in counting practice.

Highly recommended for anyone who has a young girl in their life.

Rating: Five stars

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Book Tour and Giveaway--After The Fog by Kathleen Shoop

A Nurse’s Obligation
A Town’s Demise
A Mother’s Regret
A Son’s Calling
A Daughter’s Mistake
A Time to Forgive

For every woman who thinks she left her past behind…Historic, environmental drama wrapped in a love story...

It's 1948 in the steel town of Donora, Pennsylvania, site of the infamous “killing smog.” Public health nurse, Rose Pavlesic, has risen above her orphaned upbringing and created a life that reflects everything she missed as a child. She’s even managed to keep her painful secrets hidden from her doting husband, loving children, and large extended family.

When a stagnant weather pattern traps poisonous mill gasses in the valley, neighbors grow sicker and Rose’s nursing obligations thrust her into conflict she never could have fathomed. Consequences from her past collide with her present life, making her once clear decisions as gray as the suffocating smog. As pressure mounts, Rose finds she’s not the only one harboring lies. When the deadly fog finally clears, the loss of trust and faith leaves the Pavlesic family—and the whole town—splintered and shocked. With her new perspective, can Rose finally forgive herself and let her family’s healing begin?

My thoughts
Although this story is fiction, it is based around an actual event. Rose Pavlesic feels her control over her family slipping away, as everyone seems to be making decisions which go against her plans for their lives. When the "killing smog" from the mills is stuck over the town due to an unusual weather pattern, secrets and lies begin to unravel. Even Rose, who has tried to control everything and everyone, has to face up to her past.

Rose is a very complex character. While she is a very caring nurse, she tends to look down on the people she treats, as well as the extended family that share her household. She also has a little too much of a taste for vodka. When she is forced to see herself as she really is, she wants to make serious changes.  But will it be a case of too little too late?

Shoop has obviously done a lot of research into the area and the time period. Her descriptions of the people and their living conditions are raw, realistic and heartbreaking. The language is frequently raw, as well, but again, it is realistic.

I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys historical fiction or family dramas.

I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars

***2013 Eric Hoffer Award Finalist*** 
***Independent Publisher Awards: 2012 Silver, Best Regional Fiction–Mid-Atlantic*** 
***National Indie Excellence Awards: 2012 WINNER-- Literary Fiction***

Buy the book from.......    Barnes and Noble

“Shoop masterfully details familial struggles, secrets, and consequences that keep the reader riveted til the end.” - Melissa Foster

 “A great and satisfying read. Rose’s triumph over adversity touched me deeply. Ms. Shoop truly knows how to tug the heartstrings. S. K. McClafferty, author of The Ghost and Devlin Muir.” - S. K. McClafferty, author of The Ghost and Devlin Muir

 “This is a well-written story set authentically in a historic place and time, around an intricate plot which includes most of the elements that provide for a good “soap opera,” or a book that would be accepted by Oprah Winfrey.” -Historical Novel Society

About the Author

After the Fog is the second novel by bestselling Kindle author Kathleen Shoop.  Her debut novel, The Last Letter, garnered multiple awards in 2011.  A Language Arts Coach with a Ph.D. in Reading Education, Kathleen lives in Oakmont, Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.

Kathleen has also written award winning Love and Other Subjects and her stories have also appeared in several of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

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THREE Lucky Winners will each receive a $15 Amazon Giftcard,
courtesy of After the Fog author, Kathleen Shoop
Ending on Sunday 9th November at 11.59pm EST
Open Worldwide

Enter  Below & Good Luck !!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Book Tour and Giveaway--An Average Joe's Pursuit For Financial Freedom by Michael Warren Munsey

An Average Joe’s Pursuit for Financial Freedom offers a different perspective on money than what is traditionally taught by our parents and in our school systems. The reason there is such a discrepancy between the wealthy and the poor is due to the difference in the way money is perceived. We are not born with the ability to maintain wealth: it is something that is learned. The knowledge of knowing how to make money work to generate passive income is something that anyone can learn as long as they are disciplined. An Average Joe’s Pursuit for Financial Freedom is based on practical concepts and discusses the problems that the majority of us face with our personal finance. The concepts in this book are based on theory by an author that practices what he writes about.

Book Available from...

"If you are looking for financial freedom, this book is definitely for you!" 
-  review from The Frugal Mrs Jones

"Reading this book, will not only enlighten you, it will educate you as well."  
- review from Deneale's Book Buzz

"An encouraging and fast read that will change your thoughts on money management and how you will go about seeking financial freedom for yourself and family."  
- review from Living the Leviner Life

My Thoughts

The author begins by stating that there is no new information in his book, that it has all been written before. While that may be true, it is also true that he presents it in plain English, so that the "average Joe" can understand every word of it. He writes from his personal point of view, taking us along with him on his journey to financial freedom. It's a fast, easy read, and includes some interactive exercises. I would rate this book five stars, and recommend it to anyone who wants to secure their future. 

About the Author
Michael Munsey works in the oil industry and resides in Houston, Texas. He received his undergraduate degree from Murray State University in May of 1995. While working to climb the corporate ladder within Halliburton Energy Services, Michael enrolled in the EMBA program at Rice University in 2005. After earning his MBA, he had a major change in the way he perceives money which he is sharing in this book.

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

Two lucky winners will win $25 Amazon GC or Paypal Cash
(winners choice)
Ending on Sunday 19th October at 11.59pm EST
Open Worldwide

Enter Below & Good Luck !!