One war….
Opposing sides…
It’s a recipe for heartbreak.
In a war that pits Lucifer against the Army of Heaven, it’s a recipe for disaster.
The lives of Adryel and Ramael, two young angels who are in love, are altered forever when God determines to create humans.
His decision is met with scorn from Lucifer, one of the archangels. The humans, he asserts, will cause evil and chaos throughout creation. God’s proposal, he says, is flawed. As Lucifer debates the plan’s merits with another archangel in Palace Square, their discussion turns into argument. Argument leads to insults, rocks are thrown… and battle lines are drawn.
Ramael is second in command of the Army of Heaven. His loyalty never waivers.
Adryel casts her lot with Lucifer. Swayed by his arguments, she leaves Ramael and all else she holds dear. She wages war for Lucifer’s cause and, refusing to renounce him, is exiled in hell. From there, she tempts the humans to join their cause.
Adryel yearns to tell Ramael her love for him has not dimmed. She will risk any punishment, even hell’s lake of fire, in order to speak with him. But how can he return her love when she has done more to thwart God’s plans for humanity than have all of the other angels in hell combined?
Review: I am a huge fan of this author, but I have to say this book is totally different from anything I've read by him in the past. The description fascinated me, so I decided to take a chance on it, and I'm glad I did.
Although it starts out a bit slow for my taste, once the action starts it just keeps going and going. We get a very interesting take on Heaven, Creation, Hell, angels, etc.
Adryel is a young angel who, during Lucifer's rebellion, finds herself caught in the middle...and when she believes her mate, Ramael, has died, she casts her lot firmly with Lucifer and has to pay the price. When she discovers Ramael is still alive, will she be able to make amends and to get back to him?
While I have trouble, as a Christian, accepting some of the concepts the author chooses to embrace with the angels and Heaven (it all seemed too human and Earthly to me), I was able to put that aside and enjoy the story merely as a wonderful work of fantasy. The characters are very well developed, their relationships are complex and emotional, and the plot is action packed.
If you are a fan of this author and/or good fantasy stories, I would highly recommend adding this book to your reading list.
**I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which was provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.**
Rating: Four stars
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David enjoys traveling, photography, baking bread, and the Carolina beaches. He has photographed subjects as varied as prehistoric ruins on the islands of Scotland, star trails, sea gulls, a Native American powwow, and his grandson, Jack. David and his wife have traveled widely in the United States and the United Kingdom. During one trip to Scotland, they visited Crathes Castle, the ancestral home of the Burnett family near Aberdeen. In The Reunion, Michael's journey through England and Scotland allows him to sketch many places they have visited.
David has graduate degrees in psychology and education and previously was Director of Research for the South Carolina Department of Education. He and his wife have two daughters.
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1 comment:
I agree this was so different yet still very enjoyable as you still get so close to the characters with his writing style. Thanks for sharing your review today xx
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