Book Title: I've Got To Write! It's Like Fire Shut Up In My Bones!
Genre: Inspirational
- Paperback
- Publisher: Chosen Pen Publishing (February 15, 2019)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1732236623
- ISBN-13: 978-1732236622
About The Book
Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV) But if I will not mention his word or speak any more in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire shut up in my bones.
It’s Like Fire Shut Up in My Bones is a compilation of smoldering, heartfelt stories of love, compassion, forgiveness, and amazement inspired and told by members of the Chosen Pen Writers Group. For many of our authors, this is their first published work. Yet, the passion and resolve in bringing to light a story that was burning on their hearts can be found on the printed pages inside.
Norma McLauchlin is your Spiritual Growth & Journaling Coach, Founder of New Life Ministries, Lady LifersTM Women’s Conferences, Chosen Pen Publishing, the Free to ChooseTM book series, co-pastor of New Life Bible Church and New Life Christian Academy. Norma McLauchlin, fondly known as “First Lady” in and around her community, inspires women to embrace spiritual change and live more fulfilling lives. Speaking from the heart of her own experiences as a wife, mother, co-pastor, and administrator. First Lady has the unique ability to connect with women from all walks of life.It’s Like Fire Shut Up in My Bones is a compilation of smoldering, heartfelt stories of love, compassion, forgiveness, and amazement inspired and told by members of the Chosen Pen Writers Group. For many of our authors, this is their first published work. Yet, the passion and resolve in bringing to light a story that was burning on their hearts can be found on the printed pages inside.First Lady has accepted the call to help women develop their self-esteem and self-worth. Chosen Pen Publishing and Free to Choose books are just two of the vehicles she uses to encourage women to access the tools necessary to bring about the transformation that will help them realize their potential.
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